Dear Friends and Family,
Today was another great day for our sweet Lucie! As she approaches week 30, please continue to pray for us to enjoy these boring updates and to keep the, "one day at a time" mentality. It has been VERY encouraging to see her doing well and growing. Her feeds went up 0.5 again so she is now at 9.0 mL per hour, for those of you keeping track at home. They added multi-vitamins to her feeds as well as protein to help her get fat and happy! This has been so awesome to see. She gained another 20grams as of 7pm yesterday (around when she gets weighed) so we are hoping that tonight she'll have another good increase.
Keeping on the good news, Drea got to do kangaroo care again, her favorite, and I honestly cannot blame her. I got to hold Lucie as well but just swaddled in a blanket, it was still awesome. Thanks so much for keeping us in your constant thoughts and prayers, and being such an amazing support to us. Also, thanks for asking how we're doing in the winter storm, so far, so good.
Friends, could you also pray for a couple we met in the NICU about a week after Lucie was born. They had a son almost full-term, and we just learned today that he will have to have surgery on Thursday. His name is Matteo. He had been making a lot of progress and they were almost discharged, knowing that he'd have to come back for surgery in 9-12 months. After some set backs, the surgery has been moved to this Thursday. We just found out from the parents that they actually live in Honduras and were here on vacation in December when Matteo was born a early. They have been here since. Even with all that we have been going through, we can't imagine what they must be going through being away from their home and their support system. Having you all in our lives has been such a gift and blessing. So, anyway, please pray for them and Matteo. Thanks so much!
Good night and God Bless,
Rob, Drea, Lucie & Bess
Kangaroo Care with the Lucie Pie, our sleeping beauty.