Lucie Update- Dec 28, 2014

Hi Family,

Today was another great day for our sweet Lucie! Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. Lucie-Lyn's vitals were solid as they were yesterday. We are still waiting and praying that her murmur would close on it's own. Hopefully this week will bring some better news on that front. Lucille is back to being fed momma's milk via a tube, which is great!  It's just a small amount for now, but we were glad to hear that update today. We would love to see that murmur close up so that she can get enough blood to all her organs, stomach included, so she would be able to process the food properly.  To simplify that, baby girl needs. to. POOP! Lucie will have her head ultrasound this week so please be praying for that. We are so excited that she had yet another great day!

Drea is also doing much better, not quite well enough to go back to work, but better. Her hives are starting to go down, so please continue to pray for that... oh and I'm feeling better too. Please pray for us for tomorrow as I will be going back to work and Drea will be home by herself. Feel free to reach out to her as I know she will need help doing things. As I like to tell her: "Don't try to be a hero, Hickson".  I am looking forward to getting back to work, and we both feel like this will help gain some sense of normalcy.  Please pray for me to be able to focus at work, get in front of the ball so I can make up for any lost time, and just be excellent.  With that also, the emails coming in may be less wordy/ less frequent as we try to figure out our new routine here on timing of work, getting to the hospital, eating, etc...

I meant to attach this picture of Lucille with her eyes open yesterday.  Also with it, is a picture of today's visit.  She has her shades on because she was under the lights again.  We were able to turn them of for a quick snap of the picture.

Thank you, thank you, thank you ALL for praying for us and supporting us during this time. We really could not do it without the Lord's strength and your prayers/support! I'm glad to have such a short and "boring" email... remember, we want boring :D. 

With Love,

The Borings (Robby, Andy, Lucie, and Bessy)