Happy Regular Day!
Just thought we'd give you Lucie's stats today as the nurses and doctors don't really do much over the weekend and just let Lucille rest from the previous week's advancements and be observed. Monday's usually start new courses or "next steps".
Lucie is batting a thousand... duuuuuhhhhhh, weighing 1645 grams putting her up 25g from yesterday aka 3 lbs 9.6oz. Lucie's head circumference is now at 28cm, she is still growing at healthy pace. Lucie Pie is now 41cm in length aka 16.14 inches. They increased Lucie-Lyn's feeding to 32 mL every three hours and her O2 was at 22% today, as you might recall we breath at 21%!!!!!!! Right?! Totally worth 7 exclamation points, probably more, but I'll spare you... need to save some of those bad boys for later ;). Mommy and Daddy were pro's today as we did all her "cares", took her out of the isolette, and put her back in all by ourselves!
This one is from last night. Couldn't resist. It's supposed to be a beanie but looks like a shower cap! Lol