Hi Friends!
It's SATURDAY night!! And you know what that usually means for Lucie... no real change because it's the weekend. Well, we have lot's to share!! Lucie has graduated from Nasal SPONT to Nasal C-PAP. With C-PAP (continuous positive airway pressure), air is still delivered to Lucie's lungs through her nasal prongs, but she is breathing completely on her own. It provides a steady flow of air coming in through the tubes which keeps enough pressure in her lungs to prevent the air sacs from collapsing after each breath. It’s a little extra support to help the lungs do their job. Instead of a ventilator though, it is a much simpler set up with what they call "bubbles". You can take a look at the picture below. Sorry for the terrible explanation, but just know that this means Lucille is another step closer to breathing without any assistance at all!
An Occupational Therapist saw her on Friday to observe how she takes the bottle and determined that for now Lucie will do best trying to take a bottle once a shift so that she doesn't get too overworked. She is still taking 45mLs every three hours through the feeding tube, and so far on average she can take about 15mLs from a bottle when they give it to her.
Oh yeah, and one more thing!!!!!!!! Since Lucie has been controlling her body temperature so well, and is now on the Nasal C-PAP, she has graduated to her official FIRST CRIB!!!!! We were so excited to see her in her sweet little bassinet when we arrived this afternoon, can't you tell from our faces in the picture below?
Lastly, we have a meeting set up to talk to the Medical Team about Lucie, her brain, her general health, and future expectations on Monday morning, (barring any unforeseen medical procedures that come up with other patients). We will keep you posted, and please keep us in your prayers, we want to try to think of as many questions as possible to take advantage of this meeting.
Love you all, enjoy your SATURDAY NIGHT!
Los Hicksons