Howdy folks! Lucie is really doing so so much better. She is baaaaarely congested and rarely coughs, so it seems like she's almost kicked her cold to the curb!! And in other news, Abuela is here! It's so special to have my momma here for my first Mother's Day :)!
We accidentally discovered something new about Lucie Pie. We started playing music while we feed Lucille just to have something to listen to for ourselves. It kind of helped us focus because sometimes we still have to remind Lucie how to coordinate her suck, swallow and breathe, so it can be really involving. She's improved so much, but still the music helps us, because at times she's taken almost an hour to eat filled with pauses and distractions and burps. Apparently having the music on wasn't just a way to help keep us engaged, it was helping Lucie too! She seems to really like it and there's a huge difference from how long she takes to finish a bottle when we have music on as opposed to when we don't! Maybe it's just a coincidence, but our girl crushed her bottle this morning in 20 minutes! Can I get an Amen!?
Hope you all have a great Saturday!
Love, Los Hicksons
PS - After we published this post this morning we came across this great little article, on 5 reasons why preemies are inspiring and loved it! It talks about a couple of things that preemies, and especially micro preemies go through in the NICU and beyond. It's remarkable to think of what our sweet little girl has gone through already in her short but wonderful life! She is certainly an insprotain to us. It even mentions the benefit of music and singing to babies :)! Kinda funny that we had just mentioned it! Take a look if you have the chance.
Abuela, Mommy and sweet Lucille :)
Abuela getting to hold Lucie for the first time!!
Flamingo Friday's! Inspired by her cousin Cristie :) Yes, that's Lucie's bootie... ADORABLE!!!
Pajama party with Abuela