Dear Friends, Dear Family,
First of all, we just want to thank you for all your love and support these past SIX months! Yep! I said "six months"! Today, our micro preemie miracle is six months old. Holy cow.
Thank you so much for your outpouring of generosity! Just last week we paid what we hope is the last medical bill related to Lucie's stay in the hospital. We were able to use the money raised on the Go Fund Me page that our friend Megan set up to cover all medical expenses. We even had a little extra to buy Lucie a swing. We weren't sure if Lucie would be a fan at first, but now she really likes it and it provides a nice break for us when we want to get something done or simply to eat dinner. Whoever invented easy, portable, safe baby swings has a special place in heaven. Can I get an amen? So anyway, thank you so much for your generosity.
As our time in the NICU becomes more and more of a distant memory, we are excited to be able to take Lucie out and about more. In fact we are on our way to Vermont right now for our first family vacation, she's driving!
For her 6-Month birthday, Lucie asked us if she could say a few words. So without further ado...
Dear "framily", (as my dad would say)
I want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your love and generosity towards my parents and for constantly hooking me up with sweet swag! Your prayers for me have helped give me so much strength to get through the NICU and PICU and grow bigger and stronger every day. I know that as you continue to pray for me I will get through my therapy sessions too, even if they become difficult. They should start some time in July.
My mom told me she will be going back to something called "work" on July 1st. Even though I don't want to share her with anyone, I get it, and I'm so proud of her! I'm really excited too, because she told me that we have some family members coming up to watch me during that time along with friends up here in NYC. See? You guys are amazing. I can't wait to meet each of you and in the mean time, we'll just keep posting more updates and pictures.
With love, Lucie-Lyn and Los Hicksons
Look who's smiling! This was just after we arrived to the B&B in Vermont!
Sleeping on her side last week.
Asleep on the Ergo on a hot summer day in the city. Look at her precious hands.
Mesmerized by her mobile.
Conked out in her swing, and Bess is out too in the background. Big win!
Family selfie as we set out on our road trip to Vermont.
One quick suburbia stop to stock up on Lucie essentials.
Turns out we were just a few weeks early for blueberry picking but happily, we still got gorgeous strawberries!
Lucie loved the view of the mountains behind us.
Our sweet Lucie-Lyn
Lucie is starting to imitate us. Take one guess at who's face she's copying!