The Goose is on the loose!
Lucie is crawling! She has a cute crawl where she is on all fours and then she sticks out one leg to push with her foot to go further, faster. We call it her spider monkey crawl. She can now easily go from our living room through the dining room all the way to the kitchen without much trouble, which is a huge improvement. She can maneuver up and over the many thresholds in the apartment without getting tripped up too. She loves to pull to stand, and she moves along the couch from one side to the other. She’s not ready to let go, which is fine! Because the apartment is not totally baby-proofed at this point!
She loves to climb on anything and everything. Up our laps, on pillows, up onto the couch, and most recently as of yesterday, she has started to learn to climb the stairs in our building! Lucie is smiling so much more, she used to be super stingy with those! And it’s an even cuter smile because you can see TWO teeth coming out on her bottom row. She has a lot of fun playing with Bess, they play tug of war and tag. Lucie will just follow Bess in circles as Bess tries to avoid her, ha!
All this activity has raised our little one’s appetite too, and she is now eating three solid (baby food) meals a day plus her bottles of formula. We attempted to experiment to see if she could eat some puffs, but she quickly gagged one out (which was scary), so it looks like we’ll wait a few more weeks before trying that again.
Lucie’s increased therapy schedule is well under way and it is going really well for all of us, especially Rob and Lucie, which we are so thankful for. She has an ALL STAR therapy team, we couldn’t be more thrilled with how invested they are in her and us!
Like we said in her 12 month post, we would be celebrating her birthday for a whole month, and that culminated with a Winter One-derland themed belated birthday afternoon at our apartment with our NYC Family. We had hot chocolate, snacks and desserts, and about half-way through the party it actually started to snow, which was the perfect touch! (It was the first time it had snowed in the city since last winter!)
Hope you enjoy some pictures below!
Love, Los Hicksons
Whaaaaaaat?! Bubbles are amazing!
Don't you sass me!
Lucie loves the hat her Aunt Katie made for her. And she really loves to play with her Uncle Scottie!
Oh, hello. I'm done napping now.
Someone's teeeethiiiiiiing
Our little adventurer
Learning the proper way to chew on toys from her friends
So sweet, our little girl is growing up. Little miss independent.
Two terriers!
Lucie loves Mr. Bear.
Boooo we want the sunshine!
Felix flew north for the winter? Yep, and he kept me company at my work conference in Chicago. #SnowBird
Mommy's almost hoooome! I loved getting pictures like this while I was away!
Crawled under the chair to get mommy's purse, almost made it without being caught.
Stands up on her own now. Also loves to chew on leather.
Lucie's traveling buddy.
Living it up in Uncle Scottie's chair.
Showing off her ballerina booties to Aunt Katie
The birthday girl ready for her party!
It snowed inside and outside of our apartment.
So much love for The Goose.
Showing everyone how well she can crawl
Hanging with her friend, Luke!
What's that bright thing on my cake?!
Hey, I know what this stuff is.
Preseeeeeents!!! Lucie learned very quickly how to help open her gifts ;).
Reunited with her God Nurse from the NICU! All smiles.
Luke: "Oh yea, she's teething alright, guys."
The next generation as Aunt Jessa pointed out… crazy to think abou!
Loves her new tractor toy from her God Nurse. It's LOUD... thanks Jess!
Loves all her new clothes from her birthday!
Nothing like a good game of tug-o-war.
Learning to climb stairs in PT!
Look at those teeth!
Fact: She reached for the Vince Lumbardi book first. Then the Ron Burgundy book!
Daddy's girl!