Here we go!
Lucille is one fun explorer! She is cruising along the couches, tables, walls, cabinets, laps, chairs, shelves, and even our legs. Lucie-Pie has become quite the master of bridging from item to item to make her way around the "outline" of our apartment. Soon she will see the "short cut" to the other side... walking, but for now she's good with just the blueprints worth. She has taken a few steps which is so cool. She is still very wobbly and will only take steps if she is given help to stand up, or is really motivated by whatever toy you might dangle in front of her, but then you might get 3-5 steps. It is ruly a miracle to see. She can stand while clapping or shaking an object (rattle, shaker, tambourine, our pills... just kidding. C'mon, did you really believe that one?) as well.
The Goose had a doctor's visit last Friday and is now 17 pounds, 2 ounces, and 28 inches long. We've come quite a ways away from our 1 pound, 11 ounce baby that was just a tad longer than my foot (12 and 1/2 inches. I wear a size 11 shoe if you were wondering and yes I like Nikes). Also, if you haven't noticed yet on social media, Lucille has some bling on her ears now. In my eyes she instantly grew up and I had no idea where my little girl went... she's back though, I found her. But in all seriousness, out little girl is growing up too fast, and it's a beautiful and emotional thing to see.
We are so blessed by the team of therapists that we have working with us. Lucie is doing so much these days, signing (give me, more, hooray, blowing kisses, and waving hello/ good bye). She is learning to make decisions and choses between toys, books, and clothes. Another fun thing to see is that she is becoming more aware and recognizing family on the phone (aka our "rectangles") as well as seeing herself in the mirror and gives the herself the biggest smile and kiss. Lucille LOVES playing with bubbles, finding Easter eggs around the apartment, and is even getting good at talking on her toy phone, it's too cute.
Lucie-Pie is trying lots of new foods and flavora like hummus, salmon, fruit smoothies and more. Some she likes, others not so much... look out, she's sassy. In therapy we are working on walking and eating techniques, trying many varieties of foods and sitting up to take a bottle. Again, growing up too fast for my liking.
Please continue to pray for Lucille's development as well as our handling the fact that our baby is now almost a toddler! Woah, time time is flying!
We wish you all a Happy Easter and hope you enjoy the pictures below!
Rob, Drea, Lucie and Bess (yea, she's still here too ;))
On her way to lullaby land staring at her mobile.
Helping to feed herself
Lucie and Drea came to cheer us on at the Flag Football tourney I coached!
Just a cool city kid hanging out in the park.
Using a parachute at therapy.
She actually enjoyed swinging despite her facial expression.
Hooray for yogurt!!!! Bess and Lucie inevitably surround me every time I break out my yogurt at lunch.
"Hey, what's this do?"
Lucie playing with Lucas
The Beltrez family :)
Loves her new headband from Aunt Jessa
Loves picking out her outfits. Our little fashion guru.
Some times she has too much to choose from.
Hugsie and Lucie swap!
Bubbles! Bubbles! My bubbles!
Hello?… It's me.
Captivated by sports already. Daddy's little girl. :)
Kisses for one of her favorite books.
Lucie and Bessy playing with some wild shades.
Yes, Bess. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.