We Love Lucie Blog — Los Hicksons

Lucie Update- Jan 12, 2015

Dear Friends,

Thank you guys for your prayers and support. Lucille is continuing to remain steady and strong. We are just getting home from the hospital where we received an update on her brain bleeds as they were able to do the head sono today.  The results show little change from last week, and maybe even a possible slight increase, but it is being considered as "no change" which believe it or not, is a good thing.

Lucie Update- Jan 10, 2015

Happy Saturday Y'all!

Miss Lucie Pie (as Drea has been calling her lately) is doing well and getting some well deserved rest.  She slept the entire time we were with her today, and her vitals were on point (pic below of our napping girl).  Lucie's coloring looks great and we have not heard anything yet from the last blood culture they sent in (which is also very good).

Lucie Update- Jan 9, 2015

Hey family,

Now that the week is coming to an end, we are realizing how thankful we are for baby steps… even the tiniest of ones.  From every gram of weight she gains, to every mL they add to her feedings, we celebrate and are thankful.  On that note, Lucie is back on her feeds, a small amount (2mL/hr) to keep her digestion functioning and in order.