Earlier this year the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment launched a campaign called “New York in 25” to highlight NYC life. I’ve seen the posters on the subway and they have given me a sense of comradery and thankfulness because I can definitely relate! It’s fun to read them, and I instantly get in a better mood, since my commute is not one of the things that would make this list, ha!
I thought I’d take a shot at my own New York in 25:
Shakespeare in the Park
Pad Thai
Beautiful Cultures & Diversity
Muesum Mile
The Q!
Friends that are Family
Creative living spaces
Chrysler Building
There are really so many things that I love about this city that we call home. Even though we’ve been here for over 9 years, we’re still discovering new things about it. Having grown up in the suburbs, it feels like there are a ton of differences when it comes to raising a family, so we’re looking forward to getting to continue to learn how to navigate our growing family here too.
We’re thrilled that we’re expecting another little girl early next year, and that she gets to grow up here like Lucie, our city kid.
I guess one thing I would add to the list above if I had more words than 25, is Frequent Visitors! NYC is such a popular destination and we love that we get to host so many frequent visitors throughout the year. It helps us to not feel too homesick about family back in Florida. They’ve come up so many times (especially this year when we haven’t had the ability to make it down) that they’re honorary New Yorkers too!
Let us know if you’re ever in town! Hope you enjoy some pics of our most recent activities, like apple picking with friends, attending a wedding on a Christmas Tree farm where Lucie got to be one of the sweet flower girls, and just daily city living.
Love, Los Hickson
Pumpkin Patch with my “pumpkin”
Lucie had fun picking up and rearranging all the pumpkins
Cider Donuts for the win
On to the orchards!
Selfie with Jessa
Apple picking buddy
That apple was almost as big as Lucie’s face!
Sampling their freshly picked treasures
Olive <3
Besties for life
Silly games on the train with Uncle “Wobby”
Cider donuts for breaksfast the next day! So good, we should have gotten even more.
The blurry face of happiness
Fun games in Central Park
Dress up at home
Being silly
Sleepover night with Elle... started off with swings in the park
And a fun birthday party celebrating Olive turning One!!
Ready for bed! They did great =)
We passed through a streetfair that was getting set up when we were on our way to church, so naturally we had to have Dough Donuts for a mid morning snack.
Helping with laundry
On our way to our friend Grace’s wedding at a Christmas Tree farm!
Being silly in the hotel with Uncle Dan and Aunt Sharon
Lucie ready to be a flower girl
The whole wedding party, it was a beautiful day and the love and friendship surrounding the celebration was so special.
My date :)
When Lucie got to the top of the aisle we watched as her face shifted from excitement to embarrassment. She got nervous from all the attention and although she didn’t cry, she didn’t smile either. This is a great shot from the photographer of Lucie begrudgingly throwing the petals over her shoulder.
Everyone loved it and started to laugh. Lucie was not having it! Oh man!
As sooooon as all eyes were off her she was back to having fun with bubbles after the wedding.
Lucie with the bride and groom and more bubbles. Since the wedding, Lucie has talked about Grace and Michael getting married pretty much every day.
Enjoying the campfire.
Grace shared this photo with me a few days after the wedding... it was the only picture she took that night. What a sweet shot!
Dancing the night away
Twirling <3
Lucie showing off some fancy pearls and her flower girl shoes. We stopped at the outlet mall on the way back to NYC and Lucie loved these green chairs.
Breakfast of champions with our community group and special visitors, Erin and Brett! <3
Lucie loves my growing bump
We had a little breakfast to share the news of whether or not we’re expecting a boy or a girl. We didn’t know yet either so we found out at the same time as everyone else.
We were thrilled to find out that we’re expecting another daughter! It’s so sweet how much Lucie already loves her little sister. Now we get to have fun thinking of names!
Lucie and Elle snacking and chatting about the exciting news.
It was fun to have Tiffany and Aunt Neise in town that weekend, too. We went to Little Italy and Serendiptiy with them and had lots of tea parties at home.
Playing in Central Park
Group shot
Elle and Lucie playing peacefully together while we had breakfast the other day! Woooo!
Walking to school from breakfast
I had a quick overnight work trip in the middle of the week and Lucie let me take Felix the Flamingo with me and she wrote me a note, too. You can kind of see “mom” on the first line and “Lucille” on the bottom.
Now that it’s getting colder, sometimes Lucie asks us to blow dry her hair after her bath so her hair will dry faster and so she can warm up. It’s one of her favorite things to do.
“Do I get my own closet?” Such a funny thing to notice and request, but now that we flipped the apartment around it was an easy accommodation in Lucie’s new room.
City girl watching her bagel and cream cheese get prepared
Snuggles + Farts... sums up life with Lucie Pie