As you know, summer for us was filled with lots of friends, family, and of course, football camps. In the middle of August, we packed up a rental car with everyone including Bess, and we made our way out east to Long Island for two weeks. Then Lucie and Daddy had a week off before school started up again. This post is really just to share some fun pictures from the tail end of summer 2018. You were good to us, summer! Looking forward to fall!
Peace Out NYC!
Our first week out there, while Rob coached and I worked from the house, Lucie attended her first summer camp! She was in the Rising Stars class, they did crafts, played sports, and went swimming every day.
Out the door with Daddy, bright and early.
It was so quiet around the house once they were gone... Bess really missed Lucie! (See Boonches under there?)
At the end of most days, Lucie and Coach D were WORN out.
We had fun at a Street Fair in the town near where Rob was coaching that first week.
Summr camp was a success!
The first weekend we were out there, the Thomases came out to join us for a few days!
Hugs! Lucie and Elle =)
Fun at the beach
Even more fun in the pool
I think this is my favorite shot! So much fun happening all at once.
Great breakfast spot, just about 5 minutes from where we were staying.
I took the next week off and Lucie and I went on adventures throughout the week with our fun housemates, Coach D’s Family, Abigail and Ezekiel. Our first adventure was a small berry farm where we picked sweet raspberries and perfect blackberries.
My favorite!
Our next adventure day, we went to an enormous animal farm where we got to pet and feed so many animals.
Gerard the Camel was so friendly!
Lucie loooooved getting to hold the baby bunny.
Our third day, we went to a Children’s Musuem, which had a few fun areas to play, and interact. Of course, Lucie loved the firefighter station... and the...
The next day we drove out to Sag Harbor, and found a silly windmill, just like in one of Lucie’s favorite books, Knuffle Bunny Free. The whole series is great, but that one is a particular favorite.
We had the best lunch by the dock. Fish tacos for the win.
Later that night we went out for dinner by the beach, and a band played live salsa music.
Lucie was mesmerized.
Our last full day, we spent hours and hours at the beach. It was the sunniest day that week and it was a perfect beach day. Lucie was so brave and loved playing in the water and by the shore. “I swam in the OCEAN. By myself!”
So long, Long Island!
Lucie played at lots of splash pads with Daddy the next week when we were back in the city.
At the end of the week, Lucie got a big hair cut, and SHE LOVED IT.
Fun Friday Night dinner with the Beltrez family!
Getting better and better at the balance bike!
With the help of 10 wonderful friends, we completely flipped the layout of our apartment. We love how it turned out, and now have a lot of clean up/ purge/ organization projects lined up. My favorite. =)
Labor Day picnic with these precious ones.
First Day back at the school with the big red doors!
Three out of four of us have birthdays within days of each other in July. Since the summer was a bit hectic for all of us, we ended up celebrating all of our birthdays together in September, which was perfect since the last birthday of the group is this month.
After brunch, we got our nails done!
And topped the day off with delicious ice cream! (Shhh, it was vegan, and so perfectly scrumptious!)
Grandma and Abo came to visit and got so much play time in with Lucie! It was a fun visit and way more low key than when they came up earlier this summer and Rob had summer camp plus coaching sessions almost every day.
Grandma and Lucie baking brownies with (BONUS) butterscotch chips.
Just a girl and her cinnamon roll.
Reading with Grandma and Abo <3
We signed up for a 5K on Roosevelt Island. It was such a great day for a run.... nowhere near as sweltering as the 4th of July run. It was called “Go Nuts for Donuts”, so after the race there was a big donut party.
Lucie loves running!
Cool views of our side of town from Roosevelt Island.
Two monkeys, monkeying around.
Elle, Nat, and Lucie running around at Nat’s birthday party!
Sweet friends.
Cake time!
By the end of the party... Lucie was helping open all of the presents! LOL.
Yankees-Red Sox game with Rob and some of my coworkers.
And that’s the ball game! Looking forward to more fun memories this fall!
Los Hicksons