Hello Hello!
So hard to believe that Lucille is officially 10 months (and one day) old. She is continuing to receive feedback from the doctors and therapists like "thriving", "doing beautifully", and "tracking wonderfully". We continue to count our blessings and stay cautiously optimistic about her amazing progress.
Lucie Pie had her follow up eye appointment last week and it went great. It was tough having to hold her while the doctor gave her the eye drops to dilate her eyes. Boy is she strong (as if we didn't know after all she's been through), it took three of us to hold her still for the drops. We were glad to hear that her eyes are developing as they should and we don't have to go back for 2 years!
Lucie was also approved for physical therapy, she'll start seeing a therapist two times a week for 30 minutes. We are so blessed by all the early intervention therapy she receives we can see the difference each day as she gets stronger.
Currently, little miss Lucie is recovering from a stomach bug. It's been sad to not see her be her usual squirmy and happy self, but thankfully she is getting better. We got many sweet smiles today. God has continued to develop her and we're so thankful that although she was under the weather, it didn't merit a trip to the hospital, which is awesome!
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our Lucie Bear!
Love, Los Hickson
Happy girl in polka dots
Ready to go!
Loving her new stroller set up.
Oh, hey there, hoodie weather :)
Photo shoot!
Typical NYC baby. Playing with a toy rat.
Annnnnd, she's over it. Give her The Mouse!
Nom. Nom. Nom!
The 20/20 experience.
Even when she's under the weather, she loves to play.
Yay, another photo shoot!
What's that you say? I'm TEN months old!
I'm getting SO old!!!!
Ps - those lost three pictures, were taken within less than a minute of each other. She was pretty cranky. :P