Happy November, Y'all!
Lucie Pie has been keeping us on our toes the past couple of weeks. As you know, we have been experimenting with solids and she's been trying lots of veggies. In the next few days we will start giving her fruit. She wasn't feeling too great for about a week, we're pretty sure she had a stomach bug, although for awhile we felt like detectives trying to figure out what was wrong. Was it this food we gave her? Was she teething? Was she actually sick? Ah, first time parents! Thank God we have so many of you we can reach out to with our questions like, is it normal for Lucie to... fill in the blank... it's usually a poop related question. HAHA!
Lucille is getting more and more mobile. She is starting to sit up, and sometimes she is able to remain unsupported while playing with toys. She is working really hard in her OT, SI and PT Early Intervention therapy sessions. PT is the newest therapy for her, and it is kicking her tush! We're so thankful for it though, we can already see her progress as she gets stronger and stronger. We found out from her Physical Therapist that New York has one of the best Early Intervention programs. She said some States only allow one therapy visit per month to see the kiddos! Lucie receives five per week, all covered 100% by NY. As she gets older and becomes capable of doing more, she may even start to have other specialists added into the mix, like Speech Therapy, etc! We couldn't be more thankful to be provided with such great care for the Goose.
Love you guys! Hope you enjoy the pictures below! Have a great week!
Love, Los Hicksons
Starting to feel SO much better
Loving to read!
Sweet snuggles before bed
Fins Up!
Starting to sit up and play!
Happy Halloween from Little Red Riding Hood and "Grandmother" Bess
Grandma, you dropped your glasses!
Getting better at supporting herself
Our little "oso" is "oh so cute" (oso means bear in Spanish)
Loves outings in her new cold weather attire!
Trick or Treat with the Paynes! Hello Curious George!
Glamorous Girl