Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we enter the final stretch of Lucille Carolyn's first year, we cannot thank you enough for your continued prayers and support. The Goose is now 26.5 inches and 14 pounds, 11 ounces. Please continue to pray that she packs on the pounds!
As this will be a shorter update (bigger one to come for her 1 year!), we thought we'd tell you about a song we made up about New York City using the Alphabet that has become one of Lucie’s favorites. When we sing it, we almost always get a smile (remember she can be quite stingy with those).
A few years ago we heard a children’s song about the alphabet and we used the tune from it for this song. For a few of the letters, we make the phonetic sound of the letter a couple of times too. It’s hard to explain, but we wanted to share it with you anyway!
A is for Apple, the Big Apple
B is for Brooklyn, B-B-Brooklyn
C is for Chrysler Building, Chr-Chr-Chrysler Building
D is for Diamond District, D-D-Diamond District
E is for Empire, E-E-Empire
F is for Flat Iron, F-F-Flat Iron
G is for Gramercy, G-G-Gramercy
H is for Harlem, Ha-Ha-Harlem
I is for Ice Cream! We love Ice Cream!! (This was from our original version that was not inspired by NYC, but we had to keep it in… obviously.)
J is for Jazz, Jazz at Lincoln Center
K is for Knickerbocker, K-Kni-Knickerbocker
L is for Lombardi’s, L-L-Lombardi’s
M is for Museums, M-M-Museums
N is for New Amsterdam, it used to be New York’s Name
O is for Ottomanelli's Deli, O-O-Ottomanelli's Deli
P is for Park Ave, Pa-Pa-Park Ave
Q is for Queens, Qu-Qu-Queens
R is for Rockefeller Center, Ro-Ro-Rockefeller Center
S is for Staten Island, St-St-Staten Island
T is for Taxi, (cab "hunting" whistle!), T-T-Taxi
U is for Underground-Subway-System
V is for Verrazano Bridge, Ve-Ve-Verrazano Bridge
W is for Wall Street, Wa-Wa-Wall Street
X is for BronX, BronX-BronX-BronX
Y is for Yorkville, You live in Yorkville
Z is for Zoo, Central Park Zoooooooooo
Ta-Da! Hope you enjoyed our "singing" as well as the pictures below!
Love, Los Hicksons
Not sure how she feels about sitting outside for brunch on a "warm" fall day in NYC… she'll get there ;)
Excuse me, I must-ache you a question
learning to share with her pal Luke.
A friendly game of football as the dads' taught their girls to cheer on their teams.
We know, we can't believe it either… she can stand while supporting herself.
Our make-shift play area, lol
Drea snuggling with Elle on Thanksgiving.
We are so thankful for these friends that we and got to have Thanksgiving dinner with.
Brunch with Aunt Erin and Uncle Brett
With all the toys we brought to entertain this child… all she wanted was the table. It's the little things in life really (of course we wiped it first).
Post Thanksgiving brunch, as if we needed more food ;)
Do I really have to sleep?
Picking our tree!
She was in awe of her sparkly tree
We put the lights on the tree the night before to "surprise" Lucie in the morning. She loved it.
Helping Papa decorate, she had so much fun, as you can tell.
Putting the final touches on the tree. See? Football really is in everything ;)