Hello friends and family,
We hope you are all having a lovely day, Lucie sure is and so are we. Even though it's a bit dreary and rainy in NYC tonight we're glad for the time we got to spend with Lucie Pie.
We found out that during the day she took 10mLs from the bottle so we're glad that she's still getting practice in. The nurses have observed that her feet and legs seem to be retaining a little bit of water but for now they are holding off on giving her dieretics especially since they're not hearing any fluid in her lungs. Hooray :)
As of tonight, our Lucie-Lyn weighs 2,455 grams or 5lbs and 6oz. She got moved to a quieter corner of the NICU where we had lots of room for activities! We were able to give her a bath and we did all her "cares". She does not seem to be a big fan of bath time but hopefully she'll realize how much fun it is as she gets older :). Lucie started to cry, with real tears and everything, and seemed like she was hungry. We were planning on letting her take her feeding through her feeding tube but could tell she was starting to get really hungry so we thought she might be interested in trying the bottle again! And you guys, she drank it ALL up!!!! Every bit of her 45mL feeding! Woohoo! That was the first time she'd ever done that before and the champ was tuckered out afterward and went right to sleep!
You may notice that there have been lots of Mommy/ Lucie pictures and that Rob is wearing a mask and gloves. Well, you guessed it, he seems to be catching a cold with all the weather changes going on. Please pray he can get well soon and get this cold out of his system so he can get his snuggle time with Lucie! Thanks for all your love, prayers and support. Have a wonderful night. We love you.
<3 - Los Hicksons