Hi Family & Friends,
Thanks so much for all your prayers, encouraging texts and notes today! It was really helpful to know that we had so much support while we headed in to our first family meeting about Lucille.
The meeting was very helpful and informative, we met with the Attending, the Social Worker and the Nurse Practitioner. We talked about Lucie's breathing, growth, general health and of course her brain. The Attending felt very optimistic about Lucie's future and her development, he explained that with a Grade 3 and Grade 4 brain bleed there is risk of developmental delays, the most common being the motor skills. The Social Worker explained that that is where Early Intervention plays a big part. When Lucie comes home, she will be seen by an Occupational Therapist, a Physical Therapist and her Pediatrician. They will have a team approach, and will have us play a very active role with the plan they create on how to best help Lucie meet her developmental milestones. She will be seen regularly, most likely once a week or more, this way if there is any indication that she is not at a point where she should be, they can get involved right away with exercises to help her achieve those goals throughout her infancy, toddlerhood and early childhood. Lucie-Lyn has come a long way, but what we got most out of the meeting today, is that she still has quite a journey ahead of her. We know she is up to the task. She is amazing, so strong and determined. We are so blessed to get to be her parents. She is such a miracle, and we thank God for her every day. They also let us know that she will still most likely remain at the hospital until around her due date (April 8th).
Lucie had another eye exam today which came back normal. She is now weighing 5 pounds 5.4 ounces or 2,420 grams. At this rate she will be bursting out of her preemie clothes in no time! Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers this afternoon. We love you all so much.
Los Hicksons