Good afternoon friends!
Hope all is well for you this lovely, sunny day! It's getting warmer up here so that means we have the A/C's going 24/7 now :).
We took Lucie to the Pediatrician's yesterday for her 4-Month check up. She received her vaccinations which was tough to watch, because of course she cried her sweet little eyes out. For most of the day afterward she just napped and napped because they made her sleepy.
As we have mentioned before, we asked many of Lucie's nurses and doctors in the hospital both when we left the NICU and again when we left the PICU, what type of precautions we should take with Lucie since she was a micro preemie. The only things we were told time and time again were to make sure to wash our hands whenever we held her and to have people who weren't feeling their best to keep their distance. We were told that it was perfectly fine to take Lucie outside, to go to the park, to go for a quick meal, to let Bess around her and to have visitors come see her at any time. We were also told to avoid public transportation when we go on our outings. Well, all this to say, that even though we know we have had the official green light and stamp of approval to do these things with Lucie, ever since we got back from the hospital for the second time,after she got that virus, we decided to dial it back a tiny bit until she got her next round shots. We were told that they take a couple of days to get in her system completely. Now that she received them yesterday, we figure that by the end of the week, we can go back to or regularly scheduled programming as we were before she went back to the hospital. That being said, we plan to happily go about our normal lives with our darling daughter. Our only precautions for the time being will be to continue to wash our hands throughout the day before picking her up, (which may sound OCD, but we're used to it from her stint in the NICU and it's totally worth it if it will help in even a tiny way to decrease her chances of getting sick again before her lungs can handle it), also to keep folks that are feeling under the weather at bay and lastly to avoid public transportation. Things won't always be like this, but for now, these are small things we can do, that will help Lucie to grow stronger, hopefully without any more set backs.
Speaking of growing, Lucie gained back her weight from what she lost when she was sick. Before she was admitted to the PICU she weighed 8lbs, 4oz and was in the 50th percentile for her corrected age, which was sooooo great. She went down to 8lbs, 1oz after her stay in the hospital, which was completely understandable. As of yesterday we were so happy to hear that she gained it all back and she actually weighed 8lbs, 5oz, however at this time she is now a little bit older so she is now in the 20th percentile for her corrected age. We're hoping that now that she's all better, she can just keep eating and getting fat and happy so she'll be back on track with her weight gain :)!
We'll share our pictures from Mother's Day in the Conservatory Garden soon... I (Drea) accidentally deleted them from the camera but found out that they can be restored, thank goodness!! So stay tuned! In the mean time, we hope you enjoy the ones from yesterday and today.
Big hugs and kisses to you all!
Lucie Pie, so happy to be at her Pediatrician appointment… for now :(
Ouch! Bandaids on her thighs where she got her shots.
Sleeping and sleeping some more! Oh my word, we just loooove those toes!!
More awake and playful today :)