Hi friends!
The Lucie adventures continue as she has been able to go on more outings like to Central Park, to visit friends and even a couple trips to church (see pics below)! We love hearing her coo and seeing her smile. I absolutely can't wait to hear what her laugh is going to sound like, let alone her voice! We think she is even becoming ticklish on her feet and neck! She's more and more alert during the times when she's awake and she's getting a lot of sleep in too, especially at night, which we are so grateful for!
Speaking of milestones, we should be hearing from the Early Intervention Therapists soon. We are praying for God to bless us with therapists who are patient and are on Team Lucie!
In other news, we officially finished off the nursery by adding photos to the empty frames on the gallery wall (yes yes, see pics below). We hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! We are looking forward to more Lucie adventures this summer!
Los Hicksons
After! Pictures from Lucie's "newborn" photo shoot, a print of Grand Central showing off the gorgeous ceiling and a print that has the Shakespeare quote, "Though she be but little, she is fierce".
Our silly girl!
Family photo in Central Park
Drea finally finished knitting the hat she started for Lucie when she was only 2 weeks old. Before washing it, we had Bess model it for us! Lol!
Lucie loves it!
Family selfie as we ventured around the neighborhood. (Lucie sporting her new hat.)