Hey Lucie Nation!
I'm baaaaaaaaaack! I've been on a bit of a hiatus, and Drea has been holding down the fort, but I am so glad to get back to my adoring fans. (Even though I know the truth: that you're all following for Lucie, but I can still pretend.) These past couple of weeks have been very encouraging as we have gotten to see some glimpses of milestone achievements from Lucie. She has rolled over twice (according to Drea, I haven't seen that trick yet but I guess the source is reliable), she is able to hold her head up more on her own, she is tracking things (aka following you with her eyes, and she has a real fettish for dome lights), and she is even starting to coo a little. Let me tell you, if you thought her sighing was cute then wait till she "coo's" you a story. One of her greater talents is eating in the weirdest positions possible, just wait and see the picture below.
We are so very thankful to the Lord to see Him protecting and growing Lucie. We are also so blessed by you all as we continue to receive gifts and meals... Thank you, and please know that wasn't a charity ad for PBS, we don't want you to feel obligated to us in any way. Again NOT a charity ad… although if you'd like to sponsor our child, you can call the number on your TV screen now! Haha!
To all my fans, again I thank you and good night.
Los Hicksons
On Monday, Lucie turned 5 months old. As of Wednesday, her corrected age is 6 weeks old!
Sweet little football fan!
She's been sleeping in her crib more and more, even though she still mostly sleeps in her rocker. When we swaddle her, we have to leave her left arm out or else she'll wake up within 10 minutes!
Our strange little daughter can sometimes only be consoled by eating completely upright!
Naptime with momma!
Bathtime fun! She's mesmerized by her Daddy!
Family selfie :)