Hello again family!
I know we don't post as frequently as we used to, but that is because we are just soaking up this beautiful little miracle we have been blessed with! (And then we're just wiped out! Lol!)
Lucie is continuing to grow and we can feel it as we hold her! Solid as a rock! Not only is she as solid as a rock, but she's rolling around like one too! I know this is averaging an exclamation point per sentence but I don't care, SHE'S ROLLING OVER! She'd done it a couple of times over the past few months, more so out of sheer hatred of tummy time, but seeing her do it now, intentionally, from her back TO her tummy, is just incredible. I know this might just be something "minor" and "cute" to most people, but to see Lucie go from survival mode in the NICU for the first three months of her sweet life where she fought brain bleeds, infections, breathing assistance, feeding tubes and heart murmurs... to now... sometimes there are just not enough words. We just have to pause and recognize that this is just incredibly miraculous, and we're so blessed to enjoy something as "little" and sweet as rolling over. We praise God for blessing us with getting to celebrate in this milestone!! Rolling over!! As Drea says, Woohoo!
Lucille's therapy continues to progress (I mean obviously, she's rolling over for crying out loud!) She continues to track objects beautifully, as well as faces and now sounds! Lucie Pie will continue to have a thrice a week routine (twice with an occupational therapist and once with a special instruction therapist). It may seem like a lot, and you know what, all of it can FEEL like a lot, even now with how far Lucie has come. It's still tough at times, emotionally exhausting at times, but it's also incredibly joyous too as we marvel at the Lord's mercy and protection on her precious life. We are so thankful that she has been given so many people in her corner.
Most recently (last weekend) we got to have "Titi Eli" (Drea's sister), Tio-isimo (that's my made up word for Drea's Uncle who is Lucie's GREAT uncle) as well as Titi Michi, Geraliz and Elsie (Michelle's mom) come visit us. It's been so incredible to have family and friends surround Lucie for the month of July to watch and take care of her. Again, so many people in her corner both near and far. Thank you to everyone for your help!
Now that July is over, I have come to another crossroad in my career. Many of you already know this, but for those of you that don't, Friday was my last day at FastBreak Sports. I decided to step aside from my position as Director of After School Programs and Flag Football to look after Lucie. To help make ends meet, I hope to pick back up with personal coaching and even some photography here and there. Many of you may remember that I had a small personal coaching business for basketball and football when we lived in Florida called Immortal Sports. I hope to accomplish that again up here in NYC, with one minor tweak. It will be FOOTBALL ONLY :)! To make myself a little more "professional", Drea and I designed a webpage, and brainstormed new names, so get ready for 15 seconds of shameless self promotion. I will be now officially known as Huddle Up NYC, a football training and personal coaching company. You can go to our website www.huddleupnyc.com for more information. If you know of anyone that would be interested in football training sessions or highlight reel consultation, please recommend Huddle Up NYC to them. Also, I hope that you will like our Facebook Page, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter. Please repost, shout out, recommend, and spread the word about Huddle Up NYC. Please pray that the Lord will use Huddle Up NYC to help provide for us and supplement Drea's job, granting us the great opportunity for me to look after Lucie and be with her for her therapy sessions as well. Andrea and I are both very excited about taking this step of faith into this new chapter and we are continuing to place our trust in the Lord for His wisdom and discernment as we make decisions as parents, as a family and now a company.
I promise that will be the last big mention about Huddle Up NYC as this page is for LUCIE updates :). We are thankful that we can share our lives with you all and as always, we're so thankful to have you as our "framily", lifting us up in prayer. As always, please enjoy the photos below of our sweet daughter :D.
Los Hicksons
Those toes!!!!!
Getting her FaceTime on :)
Family brunch
Loves her "Tioisimo"
Watching the game :)
Los Hicksons
Dinner at Mole with La Familia :)
With Titi Eli
Loving life with the Lopez family
www.huddleupnyc.com - check it out!
Reaching for the butterflies, sticking her tongue out in deep concentration, just like her Papa.
Good night, NYC.