For those of you that noticed, that was 8 exclamation points in the title ;)
Hi Framily!
Long time no "chat"!
Oh! Speaking of "chatting" Lucie is starting to "oooooh" and "ahhhhh" as well as "goo" and "gaa", which is so sweet to hear. (Keep an eye out, we'll try and post something on Instagram or Facebook!) We have been rejoicing so much in each and every one these milestones! With each one, big and small, we still can't help but think back to when she was born EIGHT months ago and how we didn't even know if she would be able to do anything like this. Its not easy to express the true amazement and awe we feel as we see her growing and gaining the ability to do "normal" things. We just want to scream out, "Ahhh! This is awesome!" And we often have tears of joy. We are still so very thankful for your prayers and support from near and far. We could not have gone through these past eight months or look forward to the months and years ahead, without you all! Lucille Carolyn Hickson is continuing to thrive through God's sovereign mercy, grace and strength! We can't help but thank the Lord every time we look at our little miracle.
The Goose's motor skills are getting better each day. She is able to sit up with support from us, control her head more, tolerate "tummy time", roll over and throw deep touchdown passes!!! I mean it's soooooo amazing! Ok, fine, maybe not the throwing touchdown passes but man can she launch a "Wubii" (pacifier with a stuffed animal attached) :D. Her therapy sessions have been so incredibly helpful.
Please pray for Lucie and for us to stay strong and healthy during the upcoming Fall and Flu season. I mean, she is prepared for Fall, because of football (DUH!); but she will need an RSV shot each month of Flu season (which may only be covered by insurance until she turns one in December, half way through Flu season), and she still gets congested easily. Even though it's summer, we have still had to use the humidifier nightly, and have had to remove her build up of gunk every morning. We know that could get tougher come Fall and Winter. Pray, pray, pray for Lucie Pie to have a strong immune system so that if and when she does get sick, she will be much stronger so she won't end up in the PICU again. We have still tried to wash our hands often, but we are going to start being better about that and we just bought hazmat suits ;). If you don't have a hazmat suit on, don't expect to hold her :D. Ok, it's not that serious! Haha! We know that we don't live in a bubble, germs are everywhere and she could get sick no matter what we do, so we're not going to go insane over every little thing. But at least for this upcoming Flu season (Oct '15- April '16) please do try your best to wash your hands. All of us taking that easy step together will give her a better chance of not catching those little and not so little bugs! And actually, it gives you all a better chance to not catch anything too :) Sounds like a Win-Win to us!
We are excited that Lucie's baby dedication will be Sunday, September 13th. If you're in NYC, feel free to join us at Apostles that Sunday (and any Sunday :D)!!
We love you all and are blessed and thankful for your prayers and support.
Happy Football to all!!!!
Los Hicksons
PS - Go Dolphins!
PPS - There are photos from Drea's 30th birthday celebration on our Hickson Huddle blog. Check it out in the link at the top of this page!
First day with papa at home! Let the fun begin!!!
Annnnd this is why we bought a bumper lol. Don't worry! It's the breathable one ;).
Owning "tummy time"!
Loves to play with her rattle!
Pool daaaaayy!
Fun with friends!
Learning to give a glaring look, just like a true New Yorker ;)
Eating from a big bottle, And starting to learn to hold it… CHECK!
Good morning, World!
First piggy back ride! One of those little celebrations ;)
Our little girl is getting soooo big :)