Hi-ya Faaaaaaaam,
We cannot believe that today our sweet Lucille Carolyn Jr. (ok not jr. just making sure you're paying attention) is officially 9 months old. Unreal. Time is cruzin'!
Lucille is continuing to grow and develop, getting stronger each day. This has been such a blessing to watch everyday, and we're floored to see God's healing hand. So amazing!
So what's new with Lucie? She has further discovered her tongue and has decided to start her own spit bubble factory. We have been able to start giving Lucie-Pie baby cereal, it has been sooooooo funny to watch her figure that "stuff" out... I mean let's be honest, I'M still trying to figure that stuff out. Hopefully she'll let me know how it's done.
We are starting to find more tickle spots. This has been such a fun exploration as we now know she is ticklish on her neck, back and BOOTY (which is our favorite :D)!! Another one of our favorite things is that Lucie is beginning to "lean" towards us when we put out our hands and ask "do you want to go to mommy?", "... or daddy?" It just makes us swell up with so much love!
As you know, we celebrate all of Lucie-Lyn's developmental accomplishments, big and little, fun and sassy... even when they include squirming and rolling around so much that sometimes it takes two of us to change her diaper!... OK that one we have to try REAL hard to celebrate, especially when she aims herself so perfectly that she pees on herself. YAY! But in all seriousness it's such a joy to see our little squirmer. Lucille is even starting to get her toes in her mouth! Sooooooo cute! Lucie has gone from being a "Starfish" (as her therapists say) to being an adorable little rolly polly.
Another fun thing we got to do was have Lucie dedicated last weekend (and the Dolphins won so you know it was a blessed day)! We were able to have some verse shared and read over her, that incorporated the meaning of her name "light" and the journey she has gone through.
Lucille's Occupational Therapist has recommended she be evaluated by a Physical Therapist now that she will start to be more mobile in the next six months with sitting up, crawling, walking, etc..... WALKING! Stop, waaaaay too soon, I mean what's the rush?... am I right?! Well, so she will be evaluated some time in the next couple of weeks to see if the physical therapist agrees that it would be helpful. If so, then PT sessions will be added along with her two OT sessions and one SI session each week.
Thank you all, as always, for your love, prayers and support! We are so blessed by it.
Los Hicksons
…and of course, please enjoy the pictures below from the last couple of days!
First time trying cereal.
woah, I'm not sure we did that right.
Oh, hey there.
Bed time stories :)
working on our hipster skills
Discovering the mirror/play time with daddy
working on our spit bubbles.
Maybe this time I should hold the spoon, yes?
still working on our spit bubbles, always working on her "craft"
Sunday dedication. [photo credit: Carlos Silva]
…same Sunday, same dedication [photo credit: Carlos Silva]