Heeeeeey Framily!
The Goose is soooooo excited for her first FOOOTBALLLLLL SEASON! She kept asking and asking when it would be here and now she can't sleep from being so excited… fine that's just me. But still the, "it's her first football season" part is true. Woooo!
For those of you that didn't know, just after our last post, Lucie caught a cold which lasted two weeks. It was so hard to see her fight through it and be uncomfortable, but Lucie Pie was able to get over the cold on her own. How amazing is that!? Especially since the last time she had a regular ol' cold we spent 7 days in the PICU. God is helping her grow stronger and stronger every day! While she was sick, Lucille would sleep in her rock 'n play so that the incline would help prevent her from getting overly congested, we will spare you the gross, gooey, green details! After two weeks of pretty much just tolerating her rock 'n play, she was so happy to be back in her crib. Her first nap back in her crib was 3 hours long! Man, she really missed it! She's still waking up on the congested side, but that used to happen daily even before she got the cold.
We just had Lucie's checkup and she has gone up a whole two pounds since her last pediatrician visit, she's weighing in at 12 pound, 2 ounces! Also, she is 25 inches long, for those keeping track at home. Our little peanut is in the 7th percentile for her weight, and that is measured against her adjusted age (5 months), not actual age (8 months), so be praying that she can get fat and happy! The pediatrician was so encouraged to see Lucie "thriving" as she put it. What a great word to describe it.
Goose has most recently started grabbing her feet, which is adorable! It is still my favorite thing to get a laugh or a "smiling squeal" whenever Drea or I go to get her out of bed first thing in the morning. It is so awesome to see and hear how excited she is to see us. A fun thing to be on the look out for picture wise in our next update is Lucie starting SOLIDS!!!! I can't believe it, but the doctor said we can start to give her some over the next week or two.
In the mean time, hope you enjoy these pics. God Bless!
Los Hicksons
Sunshine in Central Park
Lucie and Bessy
Straight up chillin'
Not feeling too great :(
Trying out this sweet new seat in preparation for starting solids soon!
Picnic in Central Park
With Uncle Richard and Aunt Jessa
Breakfast with Aunt Jessa, Aunt Katie, Uncle Scottie and Uncle Richard
Our first Hickson Family Adventure Day to the New York Botanical Gardens
The Fam
Laughing with momma
Empty subway all to ourselves... Until we got to Yankee Stadium where a ton of people got on after a Soccer game had ended that was being played there
Sweet smiles
City Baby
Tickles on the tummy get the best giggles
Our first Sunday helping with Apostles Kids in quite a while, accompanied by this little cutie in the hoodie