Lucie Update- Mar 25, 2015 — Los Hicksons

Lucie Update- Mar 25, 2015

If we were going to give you an update last night it would have read like this:

"Lucie Update- Mar 24, 2015

Lucie is great!

She came off the O2 last night and has stayed off for now! The "Milk Whisperer" (occupational therapist) fed her today and she was doing ok without the O2 while she took the bottle.  Lucille has some dips but always comes back on her own!!!!

She weighed in at 3,010 grams, aka 6lbs, 10oz. Took 4 bottles and only had to use the oxygen for part of one feeding!!!! She's continuing to amaze us and is the talk of the NICU ;).  We took another walk with her around the NICU and said hi to some of her nurse friends.  We peaked into Area 1, the most critical area of the NICU, where she lived for her first 6 weeks, and saw her old spot was empty.  It was surreal, we took a picture there now as a family, and it is amazing to see so much progress in our Lucie Pie."

SO, fast forward to today... Lucille is considered a 38-Weeker gestational age, her due date is in two weeks!

She had to go back on her "Low Flow" O2 today. Why, you ask? Well for three days she had not pooped! Is that normal? Is everything OK? (I'm sure you're wondering.) Well, that is completely normal for babies, especially on breastmilk, and did not concern the nurses, however they kept an eye on it.

Since Lucie Pie had been working on a big poo, that just didn't want to come out, her nurse gave her glycerin and after a couple of hours, it did the trick! 5 diapers later she was all done! That combined with breathing completely on her own, plus taking 4 out of 8 bottles got her a little on the tired side. So, she is now back on the low flow nasal cannula as needed (and mainly only while she's eating) to help her get a boost. Tonight you can expect Lucille will be well rested not having an uncomfortably full colon :D.  We're so proud of all our little one has accomplished in the last two days and we're glad she is getting some much needed rest and energy today.  Her feeds have now been increased to 60mLs every three hours and tonight she weighed 3,025 grams equaling 6 pounds 10.7 ounces.

Good night all!! 

No nasal prongs :) 

No nasal prongs :) 

Happily sleeping after a busy day of breathing on her own and taking four bottles! She's officially grown out of her first hat! 

Happily sleeping after a busy day of breathing on her own and taking four bottles! She's officially grown out of her first hat! 

This was our sweetheart back on Feb 11th, when her hat was still new! 

This was our sweetheart back on Feb 11th, when her hat was still new! 

Us paying a visit to our old stomping grounds. 

Us paying a visit to our old stomping grounds. 

The face of full satisfaction after pooping five diapers worth! 

The face of full satisfaction after pooping five diapers worth! 
